17-Vector-Valued Stochastic Integration With Respect to Semimartingales in the Dual of Nuclear Space.
16-Itô's Formula for Itô processes defined with respect to a cylindrical-martingale valued measure (with S. Cambronero, D. Campos and D. Mena).
15-Riesz spaces of signed charges on semi-rings (with S. Cambronero, D. Campos and D. Mena).
14-Tightness and weak convergence in the topology of local uniform convergence for stochastic processes in the dual of a nuclear space.
Published Articles
13-Cylindrical Martingale-Valued Measures, Stochastic Integration and SPDEs (with S. Cambronero, D. Campos and D. Mena), Stoch PDE: Anal Comp. Doi: 10.1007/s40072-024-00345-w
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12-Convergence Uniform on Compacts in Probability with Applications to Stochastic Analysis in Duals of Nuclear Spaces, Stoch. Anal. Appl. 42(4), 797–827 (2024)
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11-Stochastic Evolution Equations With Lévy Noise in Duals of Nuclear Spaces, Stoch PDE: Anal Comp 12, no.1, 173–219 (2024)
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10-Almost Sure Uniform Convergence of Stochastic Processes in the Dual of a Nuclear Space, J Theor Probab 36, no.4, 2564–2589 (2023).
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9-Time regularity of stochastic convolutions and stochastic evolution equations in duals of nuclear spaces, Stoch. Anal. Appl. 41, no. 6, 1136–1154 (2023).
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8-Stochastic Integration With Respect to Cylindrical Semimartingales, Electron. J. Probab., Volume 26, paper no. 147 (2021).
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7-Stochastic integration in Hilbert spaces with respect to cylindrical martingale-valued measures (with A. E. Alvarado-Solano), ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 18, 1267–1295 (2021)
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6-Regularization of cylindrical processes in locally convex Spaces, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., Vol. 23, No. 04, 2050027 (2020).
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5-Semimartingales on Duals of Nuclear Spaces, Electron. J. Probab., Volume 25, paper no. 36 (2020).
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4-Tightness and Weak Convergence of Probabilities on the Skorokhod Space on the Dual of a Nuclear Space and Applications, Studia Math., 254, no.2, 109-147 (2020).
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3-Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Measures in the Dual of a Nuclear Space, J Theor Probab, 33, no.2, 649-691 (2020).
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2-Stochastic Integration and Stochastic PDEs Driven by Jumps on the Dual of a Nuclear Space , Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 6, no.4, 618-689 (2018).
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1-Existence of continuous and càdlàg versions for cylindrical processes in the dual of a nuclear space, J Theor Probab, 31, no.2, 867-894 (2018).
Stochastic Analysis with Lévy Noise in the Dual of a Nuclear Space, PhD Thesis, The University of Sheffield (2015). Supervisor: David Applebaum.
Valoración Económica del Volcán Arenal: Una Medición del Valor de su Belleza Escénica Mediante el Método de Valoración Contingente, Licenciatura Thesis, Universidad de Costa Rica (2010). Supervisor: Ronulfo Jiménez Rodríguez.